President Trumps Accomplishments So Far! Part one

Ok without wasting any of you guys time,lets get into the topic which is 'President Trumps accomplishments so far'!Here are his accomplishments so far:
1.Supreme Court Judge Gorusch

The First major Triumph of the Trump presidency was the appointment of Neil Gorusch to the supreme court after historic rules change.After the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia,his seat in the supreme court was vacant for the longest time in American history,Scalia's seat was vacant for more than 400 days which was more than any Supreme Courts Justice's in more than 50 years.After a marathon three day hearing Gorusch was approved by a vote of 54 to 45.It included a floor debate with an all night protest by the Democratic Senator and a historic rule change that allowed Gorusch's nomination to go forword on a single majority.In a statement later President Trump hailed Gorusch's 'Historic confirmation' and said he was the 'perfect choice' to be on the country's highest court because of “his judicial temperament, exceptional intellect, unparalleled integrity, and record of independence”.

2. Taking US out of Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal(TPP)

 As promised by him President Trump took us out of the trans-pacific partnership trade deal(TPP),he had decribed the trade deal as "potential disaster for our country".The agreement in the trade deal was to bring down the rates,tariffs and trade barriers between America and a number of Pacific Rim nations such as Australia,New Zealand,Japan,Malasyia and Chile.President said that the decision to get out of the deal will be a great thing for the American workers.

3.Dropping 59 missiles on Syria

After reports that the Syrian government had launched a horrible 'Chemical Weapons Attack' on innocent civilians,Trump ordered the US military to attack a Syria government airfield with 59 Tomahawk missiles.Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said in a statement. "As always, the U.S. took extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties and to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict."

4.Illegal immigration down 70%(lowest in 17 years)

Across the southwestern border the illegal immigration is down by a remarkable 76% since president Trump got elected.The flow of children and families is dropping at a rate which is faster than ever.Analysts say that the commitment of the administration to enforcing the law has changed the reality along the border.The number of children who are unaccompanied has dropped below 1000-a level which was not seen before the surge that came mostly during second term of President Obama.

5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index125.6

The US consumer index surged to a figure more than the 16 year high in march,indicating that the economy was regaining momentum.The Conference Board said its consumer confidence index jumped 9.5 points to 125.6, the highest reading since December 2000. Consumers' assessment of both current business and labor market conditions improved sharply in March.The consumer and the business confidence has increased in the wake of President Trumps victory last november.

6.Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a 7 year high

 The total mortgage application volume increased 1.4 percent and over a million borrowers could qualify and have atleast $200 per month in savings,according to a recent survey by Black Knight financial services.

7.Arranged 20% Tariff on soft lumber from Canada

President Trump announced a tariff of 20% on softwood luber from Canada,President told reporters that he expects a 20% tariff on softwood lumber going into the US from Canada.“Canada has treated us very unfairly" said President Trump and also threatened a tax on Canada’s dairy industry.
8.Bids for border wall are well underway

 Officials are evaluating specific proposals, sites are being studied, and there is money available to get going. The work is done according to President Trump's executive order of Jan. 25,"The executive order calls on the authority in the Secure Fence Act for us to begin immediately".In March, U.S. Customs and Border Protection sent out a request for proposals for companies to bid on the construction of prototypes — not little models to sit on someone's desk, but full-scale sections of proposed wall designs that will be put in place on the border. So far, Border Protection has received more than 100 proposals.

9.Pulled out of the Paris accord

  President Donald Trump announced that the United States will officially pull out of the much talked Paris Climate Accord, which was a treaty signed by former President Barack Obama in 2016.President Trump said the accord, as it stands now, would hurt Americans to the benefit of other countries, labeling it a redistributor of wealth from the United States to other nations. He added that the deal would be a job-killer for America, shipping coal jobs to other nations.Though President Trump is ready to renegotiate and reenter if its a fair deal.

10.Keystone pipeline approved

 The Trump administration issued a permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline, reversing the Obama administration and clearing the way for the $8 billion project to finally be completed."We greatly appreciate President Trump's administration for reviewing and approving this important initiative," said TransCanada CEO Russ Girling. "We look forward to working with them as we continue to invest in and strengthen North America's energy infrastructure."added the CEO.

This ends the first part of the "President Trumps Accomplishments So Far!" Here is the second part


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